Back in October Steve and I were hanging out and he received a call from his aunt... she was talking to Steve and told him that I am invited out to thanksgiving with the family. This was a surprise for Steve and I. I know that I was definitely not expecting to be invited out there that soon. Steve was also surprised that they would be inviting me out. So after a few days he talked with some of the rest of his family to make sure I was in fact invited out.... Sure enough I was. So I was extremely excited.
So fast forwarding to November 23rd... We had a flight for 8am to California :) I was so excited to be going out to be meeting some more of his family. - I still had not yet met his young brother, so I was very excited to meet him, then of course his aunt and uncle and cousins and just everyone. I of course so so excited to seee the e everyone again.
So we were off... we headed out on the plane to Cali - we arrived out there at about 10am, and then his dad came to pick us up and then his dad took us to do some sightseeing... since we had some time to kill and this was really the only chance we would have to do some sightseeing on this trip. I really wasnt expecting to do any kind of sight seeing because I knew we were short on time and just didnt think that we would be able to do that, so that was very special. Of course I had never been to california, much less San francisco, so I was extremely happy to be sightseeing... So when you think of San Francisco.. most people think of the Golden Gate bridge.. so thats where we went first. I was extremely excited... This was some place that I had always wanted to go and see. So we went there, and I know I had such a great time. It was a little chilly and windy, but it really was so much fun. We went walking part way down the bridge, it truly was a really neat thing.

I know Steve and I were exhausted from being up very early for the flight, then flying, then getting out there, then we were in the car a bit longer than we expected... (traffic) we even stopped once for some coffee... and then we went to the hotel that they would be staying at and they checked in, we had a little bit for dinner... I wasn't hungry whatsoever... then finally we got to the aunt and uncles... where everyone was... i met everyone, and everything, it was really great... :) then Steve and his family (Parents and brothers) went off to the hotel, Kendra and I stayed at the house with everyone else...:) She and I were up in this little loft type area, it was really cute.. I was absolutely exhausted. -- it was very late.. (and keep in mind, my body was on tx time.. which is 2 hours ahead of California... ) so I know I passed out.- just fell asleep..
then before i knew it it was morning... I heard people down in the kitchen... I cannot sleep if i hear people talking... so i got up, got ready for the day, and it was only a few people down there, apparently another cousin arrived very very early that morning, so I met him, then just waited for coffee, got some breakfast, and chatted/listened. Kendra got up and ready and she came in, and Aunt Liz put us to work, we started mking pies, except we didnt do anything the recipes were telling us... it was an experience.. so we made the pumpkin pies, then it was about 11or so when Steve and his family arrived, when he got there, we took a little walk and looked at his cousins chicken coup, then we did some walking around,
we decided to go take a little tour of the town... San Lois Obispo (SLO) Its where he went to college, so i wanted to see that and everything... it was so beautiful, the scenery just so nice so diffreent than here. so after we looked at the college, we then took a little ride,
steve said to me "do you want to go to the beach?"
"Beach?! really? we're that close???? "
"yeah, like 5 minutes.."
So off we went to the beach...
It was so amazing... it was so cool!--- It was a litle chilly-- being November.. for goodness sake... but my goodness it was so cool!-- just goin' to the beach on Thanksgiving :) haha :)
anyways--- we walked around and everything, then back to the house we headed... we were getting hungry and figured it was about time for Thanksgiving lunch.
Sure enough we got back and it all was just about ready-
The food was absolutely delicious. It was all like gourmet food, definitely not any kind of thanksgiving my family has ever done.. :) it was all sooo delicious.and had so much fun talking with everyone.
This was Steve's birthday - so we had some birthday cake and everything, it was really nice.
I cant remember what we did that evening, but at the end of the day, my "roommate.." Kendra, left me, she went to her grandmas, and so i was left with no roommate, she was the only person that was staying at that house that i KNEW.... like that i had met prior to that weekend. ... and she left me... so Steve and his family went to their hotel, everyone was kinda going to bed, some of the cousins were staying up to talk about stuff, i knew nothing that they were talking about, so i decided to go on up and try to get some sleep, then Steve's cousin, ended up taking the "extra" bed that was up there with me... it was a little odd... but it was ok... so then next morning, got up, got my breakfast (leftover birthday cake from Steves birthday--- It was so delicious!- Steve's mom, made the best carrot cake... oh my goodness it was so good!) So steve and his family got there at about 1030 or so... Steve and I took a walk around, and had a nice little hike, while a lot of them were picking apples for an apple juice press... we got back and they were in the middle of the apple press part... so we watched and helped out.. it was soo cool, and the juice was delicious!!!
then it was lunch time, so we had leftovers for lunch, then we headed out.
We stopped at a vineyard, Steve's brother, Jeff works for a wine company, so he wanted to stop by this particular vineyard and do a wine tasting... Steve and I mainly stayed outside and took pictures, the scenery was absolutely beautiful.
Then we headed out, we dropped one of the cousins off at his car, then we headed to Steves grandparents (his dad's parents) - we had a delicious meal, I was able to meet his very sweet and fun grandparents, and of course his aunt, uncle and cousin from that side, it was alot of fun. - we only stayed just a little bit, then we headed back out and headed back to his parents.
We stayed there for our last night in California. It was a really nice night --they have a really nice little guest setup - it was so nice and peaceful and just a nice room to myself, and my own little bathroom.. i had a really nice nights rest. I got up early that next morning, (like at 5am... I was still on TX time...) But steve and I were going to be hiking up a mountain thing... so we headed out... and we got to the mountain thing about 6am... its called Mt. Diablo.- it was gorgeous view from the top, had a really great time, it was so cold, but it was really great. got some wonderful pictures and everything.
We headed back to the house, packed and got ready to head back to Texas.
It was so hard saying goodbye, and would have been really nice to stay a few more days just to take it all in, but I thoroughly enjoyed my time out there and really enjoyed getting to know everyone bettter and meeting everyone. I really can't wait to get back out there. :)
Thanksgiving Photo Album
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