The following weekend was 4th of July weekend, I was going to be going out to the lake with my family, over the course of that week after we met up at starbucks, we talked just a little bit, and then he asked me if I'd like to do anything that coming friday, before I go out to the lake on that next day - so after talking, we decided to do something that was on both our lists... Rangers Baseball game... So he got tickets for Friday (July 1st 2011)
So we get to the stadium, park, and then i try to open my car door, to get out, i thought it was locked, i couldnt get out, Steve apparently thought I was crazy for not being able to open a car door... so he reached over, and couldnt get it, he locked and unlocked the door nothing... so then he got out and ran around and opened the door and it worked... (for the next few weeks he had to open the door for me..haha) So we get to the stadium, and we get the tickets -- then we go find our seats.. we had fantastic seats, we were on the first level - along the first baseline, some really great seats:) it was fantastic. we talked, and chatted during the game. -- after the game There were fireworks, it was really really nice. (plus i love fireworks.) afterwards walked back to the car, went back to starbucks to go get my car, i was sad to see the evening over. he said to me as I was leaving, “i’d really like to hang out with you again.” - I told him I would like to as well.
Our Second Date at the Rangers Game Album
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