Friday we walked around the front yard, deciding basically to rip almost everything except the roses out, so all of the shrubbery and such, then we would be replacing many of the shrubs with more colorful bushes and flowers.
As we were looking we noticed that one of the trees near the front door died.. leaves still on it, but they were very crispy... so we will have to have someone come out to take them out, that is not something that we want to tackle.
Across on the other side is a tree that we do not want, it does not offer much shade, so we (well somone else) will be taking it out. On both sides of the front walk we will plant Japanese Maple trees which will look so lovely.
We ripped up quite a bit of shrubbery...
Big bush is gone, alont with some smaller bushes and other plants.
6 shrubs gone in front of the tree in front of the windows - this tree will be taken out and will be replaced with a Japanese maple. and some other flowers.
2 shrubs taken out along with some "monkey grass" the tree on the right hand side will be removed since it is dead/dying... and we will have a japanese maple to replace it. Flowers will be planted along the window. :)
While tearing out some of the shrubbery, the poor shovel got bent.
so we had to make an "emergency run" to Ace to get another shovel, so we could finish the job.
Yellow Roses ... so pretty! :)
Red rose has bloomed
Steves Apple tree is coming back! I think it heard us saying that we were going to tear it out. :) we'll see if it survives.. :)
The blackberry bush has started to bloom! - 2 blooms!! :)
Peach Tree is doing fantastic!! :)
Fig is doing great!! Its really growing! :)
The front of the house - Its going to look like a totally new house when the two trees by the front walkway are gone. I think it already looks great, but I cannot wait to add more color :) so exciting :)