Taylor had been camping since she was 'knee high to a grasshopper' ---
Steve had been wanting to go camping, so we decided to go camping, it was a quick decision. we had about a week to prepare.
Taylor suggested a place just a bout an hour and a half away (just in case if something happened)
We watched the weather-- as the week was going on , they had anticipated rain during the week, but then kept pushing it back, then the weather people said "it will be raining this weekend...."
we were very much hoping that it would either fizzle out and not reach us, or they could push it back for a few more days.
We went anyways-- we loaded everything up in the car... tent, sleeping bags, blankets, pillows (well we actually forgot pillows.) lantern, flashlight, chairs, food, icechest... cameras, everything we needed.
and headed out west about an hour and a half, and arrived at our destination, in time to set up our tent...

set it all up got it all ready, then pulled out our dinner (sandiwches) got everything out, began to make our sandwiches and then was getting dark... the bugs came out all of a sudden, (irritating) then we quickly ate dinner-- then we headed to the tent - had an early bedtime.

Didnt sleep much during the night, it was windy, and made the tent flap - and make noise... so would wake us both up, so we didnt get a good nights rest whatsoever.
Just before daylight, before the birds were even chirping, we were about ready to go ahead and get our day started....
right at daybreak, we had breakfast. (bagels, yogurt)
then we headed out for a hike.
we hiked for a few hours, it was about 10 am when we headed back to the campsite (ready for a nap)
kinda glad we had gone out so early, we had the trails to ourselves, so nice and peaceful.

We got back to the campsite, and ended up taking a 2 hour nap, since we didnt sleep well at all the night before.
We had lunch (sandwiches again, i know very original here.) -
Then we decided to head to town- we needed some things for dinner- so off we went to get ice and charcoal. We were going to make burgers for dinner. so we got our stuff, as we were out, i was keepign an eye on the weather on my phone...
high chance of storms during the night.
We went ahead and did some things that we wanted to do -
We went for a nice hike, then Steve wanted to go for a swim, so we went to the swimming area for about 30 mins or so. When we got back to the campsite we talked on what we would do - do we stay... Stick it out, and deal with it?... Do we stay and at last second pack up?... do we go ahead and pack up and get out of here?....
So we decided fot the time being we would go ahead and pack up things that we knew we wouldnt need, stick around for dinner, then during the night when it got bad, then we would take down the tent and would head home.
so we began to pack stuff in the car. then I (Taylor) got to thinnking of how miserable that would be--- the wind will be picking up, if we couldnt sleep last night because of the wind, we definitely wouldnt be able to sleep that night because of the high wind.
So I suggested that maybe we need to think about going on and heading home - (everyone else was packing up their tents....so that was a good indicator) I knew that we wouldnt get much sleep, then it would be raining, so would be just muddy and just difficult trying to take down the tent, get it in the car and everything while raining, possibly hailing, then driving home while storming, all the while we are exhausted. just knew it would be a complete disaster.
Steve agreed that would be best to do that... just go ahead, pack up and head home.
so we werent rushed - we packed everything up, and we headed out... we stopped on our way out at a church (sister church to mine.) and we took some pictures of some flowers and stuff out there, then we went on back to steve's house and we cooked dinner (bug free!)
Steve does want to go back out and go camping again, so we will definitely be doing it again, hopefully it wont get cut short from storms.
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