Friday, December 30, 2011
Taylor Signs at a Deaf Living Assisted Living House
Taylor signed at her cousins deaf living assisted home with her brother who played the mandolin. Dan switched in and out playing while Taylor signed to his music and her own music too. The following video shows Taylor signing one of her songs, I (Steve) always enjoy when Taylor signs, it is always great to watch and she does a wonderful job when she signs.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Steve Work party - Blue Mesa
Steves Leadership group had a dinner- at Blue Mesa - It was realy nice, got to meet a few people, mainly just the people that sat in front of us.. they actually go to my (Taylor's) church's sister church... haha. :) anyways so we chatted a little bit... it was nice.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Steve Work Party -
Steve's boss hosted a little party at his home - I was able to meet some more of Steves co-workers, a few of them I had already met, but it was nice to see the group that Steve was currently working with... we had a very nice time, and really enjoyed it. :)
Friday, December 16, 2011
Scrooge Musical
Part of Mine and Steves Birthday gifts was to go see Scrooge, at a local little community theater, Artisan Theatre of Hurst, Tx. .. The whole family went, Mom, Dad, Brother, Granny and Steve and I . We had alot of fun, and the actors did a fantastic job.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Taylor's Office Christmas Party
Taylor's work Christmas party was on Wednesday, December 7th. they rented a little room at "Eddie V's" _ which was a steak and seafood place (very nice...)
We had to bring items for a "white elephant gift exchange" - We were one of the first people to arrive. They decided to do things differently this year (We wouldnt have known any different, since this was Taylor's First Christmas party to attend with them... So this year we "drew" our table. - that way hopefully everyone can get to know each other better and that way we can get to know people other than our little groups...So we arrive, and we drew our table, we wait for others to arrive, then when it was all said and done - we were sitting at the "big boss's table".. haha.. we had fun, we ate... delicious food.
We started the gift exchange. it was a really fun time... Taylor actually had one of the Final "Draws" so She could pick out anything she wanted... she ended up with a Pie maker (she didnt think about getting one of the many gift cards or anything... she was nervous, and just grabbed one of the first things she saw. :) )
We had to bring items for a "white elephant gift exchange" - We were one of the first people to arrive. They decided to do things differently this year (We wouldnt have known any different, since this was Taylor's First Christmas party to attend with them... So this year we "drew" our table. - that way hopefully everyone can get to know each other better and that way we can get to know people other than our little groups...So we arrive, and we drew our table, we wait for others to arrive, then when it was all said and done - we were sitting at the "big boss's table".. haha.. we had fun, we ate... delicious food.
We started the gift exchange. it was a really fun time... Taylor actually had one of the Final "Draws" so She could pick out anything she wanted... she ended up with a Pie maker (she didnt think about getting one of the many gift cards or anything... she was nervous, and just grabbed one of the first things she saw. :) )
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Apple Pie attempt number 1
I (Taylor) have a list... a "101 things to do in 1001days list" -- basically just a list of stuff I've been wanting to do, and it has a time limit... 1001 days. My deadlne is coming up... August of this year. one of the items on the list is to make a pie... so we decided to make an apple pie on this day... we got everything ready, steve had a recipe... well things didnt go as they should have,
we added too much water, and so the dough was extremely wet, too wet to do anything with, so we ended up having the apple filling mixture that I made and put it over some icecream. :)
It still was good, but the item on the list is not crossed off.
we added too much water, and so the dough was extremely wet, too wet to do anything with, so we ended up having the apple filling mixture that I made and put it over some icecream. :)
It still was good, but the item on the list is not crossed off.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Taylor's birthday
Tues. Nov 29 -
It was my (Taylor's) 25th Birthday. We all got together for food, and such for my birthday.
I had a gift from Steve's parents... while we were in California, Steve's mom d told me "you cannot open this until your birthday"... :) so I did just that.. :) - I did open it first I think since i did recieve that one first.. haha. :) it was so sweet, I had a lovely birthday, was so nice to spend the evening with Steve and my parents.
Me with the necklace that Steves parents gave me :) (not the best pic I'm sorry)
It was my (Taylor's) 25th Birthday. We all got together for food, and such for my birthday.
I had a gift from Steve's parents... while we were in California, Steve's mom d told me "you cannot open this until your birthday"... :) so I did just that.. :) - I did open it first I think since i did recieve that one first.. haha. :) it was so sweet, I had a lovely birthday, was so nice to spend the evening with Steve and my parents.
Me with the necklace that Steves parents gave me :) (not the best pic I'm sorry)
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
We're Leavin' on a Jet plane..California, here we come!! :)
(written by Taylor)
Back in October Steve and I were hanging out and he received a call from his aunt... she was talking to Steve and told him that I am invited out to thanksgiving with the family. This was a surprise for Steve and I. I know that I was definitely not expecting to be invited out there that soon. Steve was also surprised that they would be inviting me out. So after a few days he talked with some of the rest of his family to make sure I was in fact invited out.... Sure enough I was. So I was extremely excited.
So fast forwarding to November 23rd... We had a flight for 8am to California :) I was so excited to be going out to be meeting some more of his family. - I still had not yet met his young brother, so I was very excited to meet him, then of course his aunt and uncle and cousins and just everyone. I of course so so excited to seee the e everyone again.
So we were off... we headed out on the plane to Cali - we arrived out there at about 10am, and then his dad came to pick us up and then his dad took us to do some sightseeing... since we had some time to kill and this was really the only chance we would have to do some sightseeing on this trip. I really wasnt expecting to do any kind of sight seeing because I knew we were short on time and just didnt think that we would be able to do that, so that was very special. Of course I had never been to california, much less San francisco, so I was extremely happy to be sightseeing... So when you think of San Francisco.. most people think of the Golden Gate bridge.. so thats where we went first. I was extremely excited... This was some place that I had always wanted to go and see. So we went there, and I know I had such a great time. It was a little chilly and windy, but it really was so much fun. We went walking part way down the bridge, it truly was a really neat thing.
After we went to the bridge we went through the downtown area, which was really neat to see. We then went to Lombard street, which was really cool. Then we headed out to Steve's parents house, which is about an hour from San Francisco. It was a beautiful drive :) We got to the house and we had some lunch, and Steve showed me around the house. :) it was really great. Steve and I then took the dog to be boarded and then we went to go get some gas, then as we were getting gas, there was an old lady that backed her car into ours. She was not easy to get along with and she did not want to admit that it was her it was quite the ordeal... we went back to his parents house, we loaded the car with everything we needed for thanksgiving, we were heading to his aunt and uncles house ... (they live about 3 hrs southish) so we get in the car, headed out, swung by and picked up Grandma J, then we all headed out ... it was quite the trip...
I know Steve and I were exhausted from being up very early for the flight, then flying, then getting out there, then we were in the car a bit longer than we expected... (traffic) we even stopped once for some coffee... and then we went to the hotel that they would be staying at and they checked in, we had a little bit for dinner... I wasn't hungry whatsoever... then finally we got to the aunt and uncles... where everyone was... i met everyone, and everything, it was really great... :) then Steve and his family (Parents and brothers) went off to the hotel, Kendra and I stayed at the house with everyone else...:) She and I were up in this little loft type area, it was really cute.. I was absolutely exhausted. -- it was very late.. (and keep in mind, my body was on tx time.. which is 2 hours ahead of California... ) so I know I passed out.- just fell asleep..
then before i knew it it was morning... I heard people down in the kitchen... I cannot sleep if i hear people talking... so i got up, got ready for the day, and it was only a few people down there, apparently another cousin arrived very very early that morning, so I met him, then just waited for coffee, got some breakfast, and chatted/listened. Kendra got up and ready and she came in, and Aunt Liz put us to work, we started mking pies, except we didnt do anything the recipes were telling us... it was an experience.. so we made the pumpkin pies, then it was about 11or so when Steve and his family arrived, when he got there, we took a little walk and looked at his cousins chicken coup, then we did some walking around,
we decided to go take a little tour of the town... San Lois Obispo (SLO) Its where he went to college, so i wanted to see that and everything... it was so beautiful, the scenery just so nice so diffreent than here. so after we looked at the college, we then took a little ride,
steve said to me "do you want to go to the beach?"
"Beach?! really? we're that close???? "
"yeah, like 5 minutes.."
So off we went to the beach...
It was so amazing... it was so cool!--- It was a litle chilly-- being November.. for goodness sake... but my goodness it was so cool!-- just goin' to the beach on Thanksgiving :) haha :)
anyways--- we walked around and everything, then back to the house we headed... we were getting hungry and figured it was about time for Thanksgiving lunch.
Sure enough we got back and it all was just about ready-
The food was absolutely delicious. It was all like gourmet food, definitely not any kind of thanksgiving my family has ever done.. :) it was all sooo delicious.and had so much fun talking with everyone.
This was Steve's birthday - so we had some birthday cake and everything, it was really nice.
I cant remember what we did that evening, but at the end of the day, my "roommate.." Kendra, left me, she went to her grandmas, and so i was left with no roommate, she was the only person that was staying at that house that i KNEW.... like that i had met prior to that weekend. ... and she left me... so Steve and his family went to their hotel, everyone was kinda going to bed, some of the cousins were staying up to talk about stuff, i knew nothing that they were talking about, so i decided to go on up and try to get some sleep, then Steve's cousin, ended up taking the "extra" bed that was up there with me... it was a little odd... but it was ok... so then next morning, got up, got my breakfast (leftover birthday cake from Steves birthday--- It was so delicious!- Steve's mom, made the best carrot cake... oh my goodness it was so good!) So steve and his family got there at about 1030 or so... Steve and I took a walk around, and had a nice little hike, while a lot of them were picking apples for an apple juice press... we got back and they were in the middle of the apple press part... so we watched and helped out.. it was soo cool, and the juice was delicious!!!
then it was lunch time, so we had leftovers for lunch, then we headed out.
We stopped at a vineyard, Steve's brother, Jeff works for a wine company, so he wanted to stop by this particular vineyard and do a wine tasting... Steve and I mainly stayed outside and took pictures, the scenery was absolutely beautiful.
Then we headed out, we dropped one of the cousins off at his car, then we headed to Steves grandparents (his dad's parents) - we had a delicious meal, I was able to meet his very sweet and fun grandparents, and of course his aunt, uncle and cousin from that side, it was alot of fun. - we only stayed just a little bit, then we headed back out and headed back to his parents.
We stayed there for our last night in California. It was a really nice night --they have a really nice little guest setup - it was so nice and peaceful and just a nice room to myself, and my own little bathroom.. i had a really nice nights rest. I got up early that next morning, (like at 5am... I was still on TX time...) But steve and I were going to be hiking up a mountain thing... so we headed out... and we got to the mountain thing about 6am... its called Mt. Diablo.- it was gorgeous view from the top, had a really great time, it was so cold, but it was really great. got some wonderful pictures and everything.
We headed back to the house, packed and got ready to head back to Texas.
It was so hard saying goodbye, and would have been really nice to stay a few more days just to take it all in, but I thoroughly enjoyed my time out there and really enjoyed getting to know everyone bettter and meeting everyone. I really can't wait to get back out there. :)
Thanksgiving Photo Album
Back in October Steve and I were hanging out and he received a call from his aunt... she was talking to Steve and told him that I am invited out to thanksgiving with the family. This was a surprise for Steve and I. I know that I was definitely not expecting to be invited out there that soon. Steve was also surprised that they would be inviting me out. So after a few days he talked with some of the rest of his family to make sure I was in fact invited out.... Sure enough I was. So I was extremely excited.
So fast forwarding to November 23rd... We had a flight for 8am to California :) I was so excited to be going out to be meeting some more of his family. - I still had not yet met his young brother, so I was very excited to meet him, then of course his aunt and uncle and cousins and just everyone. I of course so so excited to seee the e everyone again.
So we were off... we headed out on the plane to Cali - we arrived out there at about 10am, and then his dad came to pick us up and then his dad took us to do some sightseeing... since we had some time to kill and this was really the only chance we would have to do some sightseeing on this trip. I really wasnt expecting to do any kind of sight seeing because I knew we were short on time and just didnt think that we would be able to do that, so that was very special. Of course I had never been to california, much less San francisco, so I was extremely happy to be sightseeing... So when you think of San Francisco.. most people think of the Golden Gate bridge.. so thats where we went first. I was extremely excited... This was some place that I had always wanted to go and see. So we went there, and I know I had such a great time. It was a little chilly and windy, but it really was so much fun. We went walking part way down the bridge, it truly was a really neat thing.

I know Steve and I were exhausted from being up very early for the flight, then flying, then getting out there, then we were in the car a bit longer than we expected... (traffic) we even stopped once for some coffee... and then we went to the hotel that they would be staying at and they checked in, we had a little bit for dinner... I wasn't hungry whatsoever... then finally we got to the aunt and uncles... where everyone was... i met everyone, and everything, it was really great... :) then Steve and his family (Parents and brothers) went off to the hotel, Kendra and I stayed at the house with everyone else...:) She and I were up in this little loft type area, it was really cute.. I was absolutely exhausted. -- it was very late.. (and keep in mind, my body was on tx time.. which is 2 hours ahead of California... ) so I know I passed out.- just fell asleep..
then before i knew it it was morning... I heard people down in the kitchen... I cannot sleep if i hear people talking... so i got up, got ready for the day, and it was only a few people down there, apparently another cousin arrived very very early that morning, so I met him, then just waited for coffee, got some breakfast, and chatted/listened. Kendra got up and ready and she came in, and Aunt Liz put us to work, we started mking pies, except we didnt do anything the recipes were telling us... it was an experience.. so we made the pumpkin pies, then it was about 11or so when Steve and his family arrived, when he got there, we took a little walk and looked at his cousins chicken coup, then we did some walking around,
we decided to go take a little tour of the town... San Lois Obispo (SLO) Its where he went to college, so i wanted to see that and everything... it was so beautiful, the scenery just so nice so diffreent than here. so after we looked at the college, we then took a little ride,
steve said to me "do you want to go to the beach?"
"Beach?! really? we're that close???? "
"yeah, like 5 minutes.."
So off we went to the beach...
It was so amazing... it was so cool!--- It was a litle chilly-- being November.. for goodness sake... but my goodness it was so cool!-- just goin' to the beach on Thanksgiving :) haha :)
anyways--- we walked around and everything, then back to the house we headed... we were getting hungry and figured it was about time for Thanksgiving lunch.
Sure enough we got back and it all was just about ready-
The food was absolutely delicious. It was all like gourmet food, definitely not any kind of thanksgiving my family has ever done.. :) it was all sooo delicious.and had so much fun talking with everyone.
This was Steve's birthday - so we had some birthday cake and everything, it was really nice.
I cant remember what we did that evening, but at the end of the day, my "roommate.." Kendra, left me, she went to her grandmas, and so i was left with no roommate, she was the only person that was staying at that house that i KNEW.... like that i had met prior to that weekend. ... and she left me... so Steve and his family went to their hotel, everyone was kinda going to bed, some of the cousins were staying up to talk about stuff, i knew nothing that they were talking about, so i decided to go on up and try to get some sleep, then Steve's cousin, ended up taking the "extra" bed that was up there with me... it was a little odd... but it was ok... so then next morning, got up, got my breakfast (leftover birthday cake from Steves birthday--- It was so delicious!- Steve's mom, made the best carrot cake... oh my goodness it was so good!) So steve and his family got there at about 1030 or so... Steve and I took a walk around, and had a nice little hike, while a lot of them were picking apples for an apple juice press... we got back and they were in the middle of the apple press part... so we watched and helped out.. it was soo cool, and the juice was delicious!!!
then it was lunch time, so we had leftovers for lunch, then we headed out.
We stopped at a vineyard, Steve's brother, Jeff works for a wine company, so he wanted to stop by this particular vineyard and do a wine tasting... Steve and I mainly stayed outside and took pictures, the scenery was absolutely beautiful.
Then we headed out, we dropped one of the cousins off at his car, then we headed to Steves grandparents (his dad's parents) - we had a delicious meal, I was able to meet his very sweet and fun grandparents, and of course his aunt, uncle and cousin from that side, it was alot of fun. - we only stayed just a little bit, then we headed back out and headed back to his parents.
We stayed there for our last night in California. It was a really nice night --they have a really nice little guest setup - it was so nice and peaceful and just a nice room to myself, and my own little bathroom.. i had a really nice nights rest. I got up early that next morning, (like at 5am... I was still on TX time...) But steve and I were going to be hiking up a mountain thing... so we headed out... and we got to the mountain thing about 6am... its called Mt. Diablo.- it was gorgeous view from the top, had a really great time, it was so cold, but it was really great. got some wonderful pictures and everything.
We headed back to the house, packed and got ready to head back to Texas.
It was so hard saying goodbye, and would have been really nice to stay a few more days just to take it all in, but I thoroughly enjoyed my time out there and really enjoyed getting to know everyone bettter and meeting everyone. I really can't wait to get back out there. :)
Thanksgiving Photo Album
Sunday, October 30, 2011
For Halloween Taylor and Steve dressed up in their western gear as a cowboy and cowgirl at Steve's house and passed out candy to the trick-or-treaters. There weren't too many that stopped by so we passed out handfuls of candy. The trick-or-treaters loved the candy because we had really nice candy top from Snickers, Reese's, and Kit-Kat, which was pretty nice. There was one little boy who stopped by who was really excited to get so much candy he went running back to his mom saying "I won, I won."
Also, it was earlier that week we did pumpkin carving which was a lot of fun and were able to create a nice little pumpkin.
Pumpkin Carving,
Arlington, TX, USA
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Jon and Kendra Come to Texas
Steve's brother and his (now fiance) Kendra came out to Texas to visit Steve, and to see about this girl that Steve met out here in Texas :)
I (Taylor) was extremely excited about meeting them and getting to know them :) They came in on that Friday night - so basically all that happened was we picked them up, chatted in the car, then they dropped me off at my house, then they went to Steves to stay --
Saturday morning, they came and picked me up, we stopped at roots, got coffee and some breakfast, then off we were....
We went to do a tour of Steves work, which I thoroughly enjoyed... I hadnt been there before, so i was very excited. to see it.
We went back to steves for a little bit and rested for a few hours, then we headed back out to downtown, we ate dinner at Savianos (I love their food) then we went and had ice cream.
I (Taylor) was extremely excited about meeting them and getting to know them :) They came in on that Friday night - so basically all that happened was we picked them up, chatted in the car, then they dropped me off at my house, then they went to Steves to stay --
Saturday morning, they came and picked me up, we stopped at roots, got coffee and some breakfast, then off we were....
We went to do a tour of Steves work, which I thoroughly enjoyed... I hadnt been there before, so i was very excited. to see it.
We went to coopers for lunch... it was so yummy!! :) (Its my fav. bbq place now)
Then we were off to the stockyards...
Sunday after church we headed to the Cowboys game, where we had excellent seats :)
Saturday, October 15, 2011
State Fair time in Texas
Saturday October 15th, We went to the Texas State fair :) We had alot of fun, the weather was absolutely perfect for a wonderful day out. :)
First things were first.... FOOD... :) ... We had to have a Fletcher's Corny Dog :) Mmmmm...This was Steve's first corny dog (hard to believe, I know...)
Then we were off, We saw the birdshow, we saw all kinds of things at the fair... then we had to make a stop by "Big Tex" -- and of course take a pic with him :)
State Fair Photo Album
State Fair of Texas,
Texas State Fair
1500 Marilla Street, Dallas, TX
Saturday, October 8, 2011
big day: Church craft fair and Wedding
Saturday October 8th was a very long day for us. It all began very early that saturday morning by going to the church and helping finishing up setting up everything for the craft fair. (the evening before we had gone up there to help set up - we mainly were in the bake sale area helping set up for that part of it....) but needless to say everything was all set...8am rolled around and we were at our "post" - Taylor was at the Raffle table, selling raffle tickets, and Steve was helping wherever they needed him... we got done with our "shifts" and then we browsed around, Steve bough a lovely flower decoration thing for his house. Taylor got a few items for christmas presents and some things for herself.
We then went back to Taylors house and hung out, then began to get ready. - We were going to a wedding... some people that Steve works with were getting married... and we were invited. I (Taylor )was excited to be going - to be meeting some of his co-workers.
The wedding took place in Azle.. about 30 minutes or so away, so we get out there (beautiful place) -as we were getting out of the car, we were quite surprised at how much the temperatures had dropped since we got in the car. (I was just glad i brought a shawl) the wedding took place outside. (beautiful setting) Steve's boss sat next to him, and we talked just a little bit... the couple said their vows, and we all headed inside for dinner and such. we sat at a table mainly with his co-workers we all chatted and had a great time.
They had a photobooth at the wedding, so we of course had to go take photos...(See below) :)
right after we got inside it started raining.... (it was really good... our summer here in Texas was one of the most dry summers that I know i've seen... )
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Taylor Sick
(by Tay)
Sunday morning I didnt wake up feeling all that great - so i decided i would stay home from church and get rest, that way I dont get sick, anymore... My parents were out of town that weekend -- but Steve went to church, ( didnt have anyone to sit with :( ) Then he decided he would surprise me, with lunch, chocolate and a card. - he really didnt have to do all that,It really wasnt all that bad, just needed some rest. - But he did bring me my favorite, from Roots, and then he sat with me all afternoon, watching chickflicks. :)
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
Wizard of Oz
Friday Sept. 30th. Steve had gotten us some tickets to go see Wizard of Oz at the Bass Hall in Ft. Worth. Before we went to Ft. Worth we first ate some dinner at an Italian restaurant, Italianis. :)( food was so yummy) - we then went on to ft worth, we arrived, this was Steves first time at Bass hall, we got to our seats, and throughout the whole play they were having major technical difficulties, the sound was just awful, the acting was great, just there were lots of loud pops and microphones would go in and out.... something that i didn't feel was right, since Bass hall is a really nice place... we did end up getting two free tickets to see something else in the future :) - but still...
Bass Hall,
Fort Worth,
Wizard of Oz
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Retirement Party for Mr. Moncrief
Thurs. Sept. 29th My (Taylor) boss was having a retirement party... (kind of a big deal.) he was retiring from politics from being mayor and whatnot and just focusing on the investment portion. - he also would be traveling and whatnot. anyways... so there were well over 250 people there... and we had a blast... we had 2 or 3 tables reserveed for office statff and their guest. - it really was great. So we were one of the first people to arrive. and at the table at the time was : Us (Steve and Taylor) - then Diane (one of Taylors friends/ Co-Worker) and her Husband, Scott, then another Co-Worker of Taylors, Connie. So, Diane spotted a guy that looked like Nolen Ryan, now we know that Mr. Ryan is friends with mr. Moncrief, so we were half expecting him. and Diane was on the lookout. so there she saw a guy. and she said “is that Nolen ryan?” i had no idea... i’d seen him throughout the baseball season in the stands (on TV) ... but not all dressed up in a cowboy hat... anyways so this guy was literally about 50 feet from us, we were looking, and Scott and Diaen were looking to see how tall he is, and everything. bottom line, Scott goes over and gets a good look. yep was him... it was really funny how it happened. we had a great time, it was a really great party for him. lots of memories.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Saturday Sept 24. Round 2 for steve and his speech.. he had been rehearsing, and practicing for a few days, but so saturday he spent alot of time looking and rehearsing, and this time Taylor borrowed her parents camcorder, so she was able to get a better video. Steve did a fantastic job, but he did get 2nd place. the lady that got 1st, really deserved it, she did an excellent job.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Birdville HS Homecoming Game
Friday Sept 23. We went to My (Taylor’s) High School Homecoming.I was very excited... We Sat near the band (of course...) and then we just watched the game. It really was fun. (steve borrowed a shirt from Daniel, from when Dan was in HS.... didnt think Steve would want to wear one of mine. :) haha.) Steve couldnt believe the Homecoming mums that some of the girls had... i do ahve to admit many of them were WAAY too big. -- they've grown since i've been in hs....
Saturday, September 17, 2011
TCU Game
Saturday Sept 17- We met up at TCU for a football game. Steve got some tickets for the game through his work, we had fun, I’d never been to a TCU game so I was happy... we only stayed until half time, or just after, It was hot sitting out there... so we went back to Steves house.
Friday, September 16, 2011
When one Event gets rained out, then do the next best thing.. eat at whataburger. :)
Friday Sept. 16. Balloon Festival. In frisco. --Steve came and picked Taylor up right after work that day, we went to frisco, for the balloon festival -- i its truly a cool event... so went up there, we got in, and walked around just a little, found a place to set out our blanket and such... there was bad weather coming. ....Taylors dad called to warn us... and we were watching on our phones... and then they came over the announcment said everyone go to your cars or this building, and we’ll see if this will pass over ... well i could have told them that it wasnt going to pass over, it was going to linger into the night... we were walking back to the car, when big drops started falling, we ran to the car, got it... and we went to Whataburger... we were hungry. Steve had never been to Whataburger so that's what we did. (Steve said he liked whataburger) :)
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Steve's Parents come to Texas
(Written by Taylor)
Saturday Sept 10. The day that I met Steves Parents. I met Steve at his house that early that afternoon, after he had Toastmasters, then we hung out, ate lunch, think we watched a movie, and he and I talked... We both were so excited. I was really ecited to see them and meet them. :) I knew that this was definitely a big deal. Sure he had met my family, and been around my family quite a bit, like to the point where my folks pretty much already thought of him as part of our family. we were anxiously waiting for them to come, and I was getting a little nervous.. just hoping that they would like me, and to make sure I dont get shy, just act like myself... so we go into Steves office and we turn on “the office” and no sooner we turn it on, then his parents were walking up the front walk... so up we jumped up and we went to greet them, they gave their hugs to Steve, then we all officially met and then gave each other hugs. - then they wanted to look at the house and make sure everything is going well with it... so we did that, looked at the yard. We decided to go to the hotel with them, let them check in, and do whatever they needed to do, then we’d go out for dinner, and walk around downtown.
So we did that...We went to the Reata for dinner, I’d never eaten there, it was delicious. we were there for a long time, we all chatted and caught up. I really had a wonderful time with them there. - Then we walked around for a few minutes, and then they headed back to their hotel and we and we headed back to Steves car.
Sunday the next morning, We all met up at the church and I signed a song. Since dad had just come back from Rehab, he really wasnt up to getting to church and sitting in pews and they werent able to go to church to meet them.after church we went to Roots. Roots had become a favorite of Steves... and we tend to like to go there after church on sundays. - so we all ordered and we grabbed a table we ate and chatted, then they were discussing the day. - now the plan was for us to have lunch then we go our separate ways - they would spend the rest of the time with steve, and i’d just go home... so i was not prepared for this.. (otherwise I would have brought clothes to change into or worn something different, besides my church clothes. but it was fine) - so --- they said something to indicate that i’d be going with them... and told them I thought they’d be spdnding the rest of the day with Steve... and they said no, we went you to come with us... - so we did... we went to Justin boots (his mom wanted some boots) --- then we went to the stockyards and we hung out walked around down there, then we went back to their hotel room and we rested (I was so thankful, i was so ready to take off my shoes. haha) then we went back out and went and had dinner at H3 Ranch, it was good, but we all agreed we should have went to coopers. :) haha. - then we went back to their hotel, we said our goodbyes, since they’d be leaving the next morning, and Steve took me back to my car (which was at Roots). It was such a wonderful weekend with them, I really had wished we would have been able to spend more time with them, but was so thankful that they were able to come out :)
Saturday Sept 10. The day that I met Steves Parents. I met Steve at his house that early that afternoon, after he had Toastmasters, then we hung out, ate lunch, think we watched a movie, and he and I talked... We both were so excited. I was really ecited to see them and meet them. :) I knew that this was definitely a big deal. Sure he had met my family, and been around my family quite a bit, like to the point where my folks pretty much already thought of him as part of our family. we were anxiously waiting for them to come, and I was getting a little nervous.. just hoping that they would like me, and to make sure I dont get shy, just act like myself... so we go into Steves office and we turn on “the office” and no sooner we turn it on, then his parents were walking up the front walk... so up we jumped up and we went to greet them, they gave their hugs to Steve, then we all officially met and then gave each other hugs. - then they wanted to look at the house and make sure everything is going well with it... so we did that, looked at the yard. We decided to go to the hotel with them, let them check in, and do whatever they needed to do, then we’d go out for dinner, and walk around downtown.
So we did that...We went to the Reata for dinner, I’d never eaten there, it was delicious. we were there for a long time, we all chatted and caught up. I really had a wonderful time with them there. - Then we walked around for a few minutes, and then they headed back to their hotel and we and we headed back to Steves car.
Sunday the next morning, We all met up at the church and I signed a song. Since dad had just come back from Rehab, he really wasnt up to getting to church and sitting in pews and they werent able to go to church to meet them.after church we went to Roots. Roots had become a favorite of Steves... and we tend to like to go there after church on sundays. - so we all ordered and we grabbed a table we ate and chatted, then they were discussing the day. - now the plan was for us to have lunch then we go our separate ways - they would spend the rest of the time with steve, and i’d just go home... so i was not prepared for this.. (otherwise I would have brought clothes to change into or worn something different, besides my church clothes. but it was fine) - so --- they said something to indicate that i’d be going with them... and told them I thought they’d be spdnding the rest of the day with Steve... and they said no, we went you to come with us... - so we did... we went to Justin boots (his mom wanted some boots) --- then we went to the stockyards and we hung out walked around down there, then we went back to their hotel room and we rested (I was so thankful, i was so ready to take off my shoes. haha) then we went back out and went and had dinner at H3 Ranch, it was good, but we all agreed we should have went to coopers. :) haha. - then we went back to their hotel, we said our goodbyes, since they’d be leaving the next morning, and Steve took me back to my car (which was at Roots). It was such a wonderful weekend with them, I really had wished we would have been able to spend more time with them, but was so thankful that they were able to come out :)
Monday, September 5, 2011
Labor Day Picnic
Some Cooler weather Came through and made the temperatures to be absolutely perfect, almost like fall had arrived early... So first thoughts on this gorgeous Labor day, that we have off : We have got to be outside.... doing SOMETHING... so first thoughts : Legacy River Park ... Picnic and frisbee. and we did just that. and we also walked quite abit. it really was alot of fun. the picnic was so yummy - Steve made a delicious picnic lunch, sandwich bananna, cookies.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
When Plan A fails, sometimes you have to just wing it .
Saturday Aug. 3 we went to “Bedford Blues Festival” - I had heard that it was alot of fun, good music, good bbq and just fun to go to.... well was kinda dead - I think we figured it prob was better to go in the evening, rather than in the morning/early afternoon.
So we stood there trying to figure out what to do, we had already seen everything... and we had our tastebuds set on bbq, so Steve had the brilliant Idea of going to Coopers... (I”d nver been there, never heard of it before I met Steve) - but so that's what we did. we pretty much didn't have a plan of course... but we went. and LOVED Coopers... SO good!! So after that we decided to go ahead and walk around the stockyards... it wasnt time to go home yet. we still wanted to hang out, it was early in the day, so we headed to downtown, where we went and walked around Barnes and Noble and we had icecream at a place that we saw when we had went down there for the comedy club. It was a nice day... even though our original plans had fallen through. :)
So we stood there trying to figure out what to do, we had already seen everything... and we had our tastebuds set on bbq, so Steve had the brilliant Idea of going to Coopers... (I”d nver been there, never heard of it before I met Steve) - but so that's what we did. we pretty much didn't have a plan of course... but we went. and LOVED Coopers... SO good!! So after that we decided to go ahead and walk around the stockyards... it wasnt time to go home yet. we still wanted to hang out, it was early in the day, so we headed to downtown, where we went and walked around Barnes and Noble and we had icecream at a place that we saw when we had went down there for the comedy club. It was a nice day... even though our original plans had fallen through. :)
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Steves Humorous Speech Competition with Toastmasters "Rules of Engagement"
Saturday Aug 27th,
Was the day for Steves Speech Competition. Taylor was able to make it out to see how Toastmaster's worked and meet people and of course to see Steve speak, on Taylor and her family. :) She took video of the speech. Steve did very well, and won first place, which meant he would move on to the next round.
Was the day for Steves Speech Competition. Taylor was able to make it out to see how Toastmaster's worked and meet people and of course to see Steve speak, on Taylor and her family. :) She took video of the speech. Steve did very well, and won first place, which meant he would move on to the next round.
Also on that same day, we went to the Texas Rangers game, Mercyme had a concert beforehand. - Taylor was with the Youth Group, and while Steve did have a ticket with his work, the youth group had an extra seat, so Steve was able to sit with Taylor and the youth group. :) Taylor's Friend, Nikki also was there. :)
We had fun, it was incredibly hot, though.
Humorous Speech Contest,
Texas Rangers,
Youth Group
Friday, August 26, 2011
visiting Dad and Steve preparing for Toastmaster Competition
(Written by Taylor)
Friday Aug. 26. On Tuesday the 22nd my (taylor's) Dad had double knee replacement, so over the past few days I had been visiting dad at the hospital and in rehab... Steve had mentioned to me earlier in the week that he wanted to see dad while he was in hospital, so we decided to go on Friday (that way we wouldnt be totally rushed...since the hospital was in Dallas...) - but we went to go visit him while he was in rehab. I know it meant alot to my dad that Steve came with me. We stayed for about an hour, and dad understood about us going to go get dinner and such (if I remember correctly I believe there was a game on the TV that he wanted to watch. since there wasn't television at home, he was taking advantage. :) but we visited, chatted, then we headed out, came back on my side of town and we decided to eat at Cheddars. it was really nice, we chatted and we both enjoyed our meals, Steve had a Speech Competition with his Toastmasters the next day so we decided to go back to his house to work on it. while we were in the car his brother, Jon called. - I’d never talked to him. - so we got on speaker phone, and Kendra (Jon’s Girlfriend) was with him, so the 4 of us were on speaker phone. and we all chatted for a little bit. it was already in the plans that they would be coming to ft worth in a few months (Oct. 21) but Steve's parents were coming in just a few weeks (Sept 10) - So anyways -- we talked with them, told them I was excited about meeting and seeing them already and everything. :) i was very excited.
So we went to Steves house, I think we did watch a movie or something, but then we started on his speech... It was for a "humorous Speech competition"--- He had been sort of thinking on it the past few weeks, and he decided :The topic: Taylor and her family... He already had been kinda thinking on it for a little bit but so he gathered thoughts and tried to prepare for what he was going to say and everything, and he really did have a good outline... he had props and everythign, and it really was good. it was getting very late, and steve had to take me home.
Friday Aug. 26. On Tuesday the 22nd my (taylor's) Dad had double knee replacement, so over the past few days I had been visiting dad at the hospital and in rehab... Steve had mentioned to me earlier in the week that he wanted to see dad while he was in hospital, so we decided to go on Friday (that way we wouldnt be totally rushed...since the hospital was in Dallas...) - but we went to go visit him while he was in rehab. I know it meant alot to my dad that Steve came with me. We stayed for about an hour, and dad understood about us going to go get dinner and such (if I remember correctly I believe there was a game on the TV that he wanted to watch. since there wasn't television at home, he was taking advantage. :) but we visited, chatted, then we headed out, came back on my side of town and we decided to eat at Cheddars. it was really nice, we chatted and we both enjoyed our meals, Steve had a Speech Competition with his Toastmasters the next day so we decided to go back to his house to work on it. while we were in the car his brother, Jon called. - I’d never talked to him. - so we got on speaker phone, and Kendra (Jon’s Girlfriend) was with him, so the 4 of us were on speaker phone. and we all chatted for a little bit. it was already in the plans that they would be coming to ft worth in a few months (Oct. 21) but Steve's parents were coming in just a few weeks (Sept 10) - So anyways -- we talked with them, told them I was excited about meeting and seeing them already and everything. :) i was very excited.
So we went to Steves house, I think we did watch a movie or something, but then we started on his speech... It was for a "humorous Speech competition"--- He had been sort of thinking on it the past few weeks, and he decided :The topic: Taylor and her family... He already had been kinda thinking on it for a little bit but so he gathered thoughts and tried to prepare for what he was going to say and everything, and he really did have a good outline... he had props and everythign, and it really was good. it was getting very late, and steve had to take me home.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
the lake house
Saturday Aug. 20. - My (Taylor's) couch from my apt had been sitting out in my parents garage and really needed to be moved out, and moved to the Lakehouse - where the rest of my stuff was being stored. - So we all planned on going out to the lake that day - Taylor's mom, dad, Dan, me (Taylor) and Steve. - Daniel took control, Dan would drive his truck (to put the couch in) - and Steve would ride with him, (that way Daniel could get to know Steve, and Steve could get to know him... since Dan would be leaving in a few days for school. - So Mom took her car, Dan and Steve were in Dan's truck, and I (Taylor) took dad in my car.- off we went. - so the guys got the couch into the shed (not an easy task and felt really bad.) plus... did I mention... this was in august... in Texas??? - and in the late morning... It was so hot outside... but needless to say they got it in there, and then we were by the “lake”-- Well our little cove.. and we were under a major drought. - So It was extremely dry - the water was down quite abit. -so there’s been this limb that's been hanging down over the water for the past several years, the limb basically had fallen, but was caught on another branch.... so anyways.. so now tht the water was down - we were able to cut it down... kinda... - well Steve tried tugging and tugging, no real luck.. dan ended up climbing the tree and then cutting part of it, then Steve tugged more, and eventually got it... - He was a Hero :) haha... anyways... we had fun. :) it was a good day. :)
Friday, August 19, 2011
Lunch, Comedy and Food :)
Friday August 19 - Steve came to my work and picked me up, for lunch, we went to Baker Brothers, - (so yummy) - Had a really great time. - He also brought me some beautiful flowers :) it was really great. :) it was so sweet of him, the flowers stayed alive for almost 2 weeks! :)After work, We went to “Four Day weekend”- a comedy club in Ft worth. I had never been to a comedy club, and was told by some co-workers to beware...they tend to pick on people in the audience... so i was a little nervous. but it was alot of fun. :) After the show we went two doors down to an Italian restaurant, and we shared a delicious pizza at Uno’s. :)
Baker Brothers,
Comedy Club,
Flowers at work,
Fort Worth,
Four Day Weekend,
Italian Resaurant,
Fort Worth, TX, USA
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Steve meets the rest of the family
Saturday August 13. So Everyone wanted to meet Steve, after Taylor's dad met him, so it was Granny's birthday anyways, (well, on Aug 11) and so we all decided to get together, to have food/games that Saturday. So we all got together - We had it at Taylor's mom and dads - Steve spent time getting to know everyone, and everything, as I (Taylor) was helping getting things ready - Which was good. Everyone LOVED him!-- We ate, and then when it came to game time, we all decided to play taboo... Mom had asked Steve what kind of games he’s played and enjoys -- he mentioned Taboo.... so that's when My uncle jumped up and said. “ok, lets go get it.” -- So off Uncle Chris and Dan jumped up, I (Taylor) was in the kitchen at this point and didnt know what was going on.. but apparently Aunt Dana saw that Steve had a look on his face, and aunt dana asked him if he would like to go with them... Steve said “Yes.” - and hopped up and ran out the door.. Ididn't realize he was gone until a few mins later. ha ha... so that was good - that way he could get away from all the craziness, and spent some time with the guys... so that's when Granny and Aunt Dana started raving over Steve, how much they like him and what not. (made me feel good because i knew that they all approved. :) The guys got back, we played some Taboo, had a great time, then it got late - so it was time to go. - I was dog sitting at a house not too far from Steve, so he drove me back there, and we chatted, and told him that hes got everyones approval. :)
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Saturday July 23)The next day we went bowling. - I (Taylor) had previously told him that I wasnt any good at bowling, then sure enough we get to the place, and we start playing, and the first 2 or 3 frames I (Taylor) got strikes... Steve was getting nervous. he thought I was some pro-bowler or something. It was so cute seeing him getting kinda nervous. :) but he did end up winning if I remember correctly :) we had fun with it.
Alley Cats,
Friday, July 22, 2011
Sushi Date
Taylor and Steve went out to Sushi at a little place called Suzushi in Mansfield, TX. It was quite an experience since we ordered what was called the "Love Boat" which is for two people. Little did we know that we would get a huge boat with sushi all over it. It was a lot of fun and were not able to eat all of it since there was too much for us to have.
2041 Hwy 287 N, Mansfield, TX 76063, USA
Saturday, July 9, 2011
4th date... a Favorite of both of ours.

(Written by Taylor)
Steve had mentioned on the prior date, that it would be a good idea to go to Botanical gardens and a museum. so that we we planned it out... I'd meet him at his house at 10am, then we'd go to botanical gardens and then wed grab some lunch, then we'd go to Amon Carter art museum in Ft. Worth
I (Taylor) went to Steve's house that morning and off we went to botanical gardens, we walked around for a little bit, then we went and had lunch at chipotle, then we went to the Kimbell art museum, (where I had the most fun)--- we just laughed and giggled and commented on every piece. there was one piece in particular, (I think this was the moment that I really realized that he was so funny) - but it was a watercolor, looked like an “inkblot” and to me it looked like a duck.. -- a black duck... and i commented and said it looks like a duck” -- he said “ah yes, i see it..” - I looked at him like ‘really?????’ so then he turned his head and said “wait, from the front view or the back view?”i started cracking up (but we had to stifle our laughs and giggles because there were other people around really appreciating the art) -but amongst the laughter i said “the side view...” which got us really going..... we spent about 3 hours in that museum. and we had the best time. definitely one of the most fun times we had.That day after we went to the museum we decided to go back to Steve's house and watch a movie... so we got back to his place and we watched “shutter island”--- he said he had seen it, from the way he was talking it sounded like he watched it alot... - so during the movie he was saying stuff and it was clear he wasnt quite sure what was going on in the movie... or what was going to happen, after the movie we then went to dinner, there is a little burger place near his house so we went there, and his neighbors were there too, so I went outside and grabbed us a table, and then he went and talked to them for a few minutes. We ate our dinner, then we talked for a long time, then we didnt want the evening to end yet, so after awhile we decided to just go downtown and to just walk around, so we mainly just walked around barnes and noble. :) we had a lot of fun.
Steve had mentioned on the prior date, that it would be a good idea to go to Botanical gardens and a museum. so that we we planned it out... I'd meet him at his house at 10am, then we'd go to botanical gardens and then wed grab some lunch, then we'd go to Amon Carter art museum in Ft. Worth
I (Taylor) went to Steve's house that morning and off we went to botanical gardens, we walked around for a little bit, then we went and had lunch at chipotle, then we went to the Kimbell art museum, (where I had the most fun)--- we just laughed and giggled and commented on every piece. there was one piece in particular, (I think this was the moment that I really realized that he was so funny) - but it was a watercolor, looked like an “inkblot” and to me it looked like a duck.. -- a black duck... and i commented and said it looks like a duck” -- he said “ah yes, i see it..” - I looked at him like ‘really?????’ so then he turned his head and said “wait, from the front view or the back view?”i started cracking up (but we had to stifle our laughs and giggles because there were other people around really appreciating the art) -but amongst the laughter i said “the side view...” which got us really going..... we spent about 3 hours in that museum. and we had the best time. definitely one of the most fun times we had.That day after we went to the museum we decided to go back to Steve's house and watch a movie... so we got back to his place and we watched “shutter island”--- he said he had seen it, from the way he was talking it sounded like he watched it alot... - so during the movie he was saying stuff and it was clear he wasnt quite sure what was going on in the movie... or what was going to happen, after the movie we then went to dinner, there is a little burger place near his house so we went there, and his neighbors were there too, so I went outside and grabbed us a table, and then he went and talked to them for a few minutes. We ate our dinner, then we talked for a long time, then we didnt want the evening to end yet, so after awhile we decided to just go downtown and to just walk around, so we mainly just walked around barnes and noble. :) we had a lot of fun.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Fourth of July
I had mentioned to him that you can see the fireworks from my church, they'd be having a bbq and then watch the fireworks, I mentioned to him that he could come to my apt,and then we could walk to the church (it was an easy walk..) so He met me in my apartment parking lot, we both grabbed a chair to take with us, and we started our little hike to the church. We ate a little something and then we sat outside and we watched the fire works.
While we were watching them, we were chatting, commenting on the different fireworks, and then Steve asked me “what is your favorite holiday” .. I thought for a second, and I said something along the lines of “I like alot of them, I really enjoy the fireworks at 4th of July, but I do enjoy thanksgiving, partially because my Birthday is around thanksgiving.” -- his facial expression was priceless, thats when we found out we were about a year and five days apart. :) Afer the fireworks we walked back, then he told me that hed like to see me again.. (for a 4th date) -- I said that I’d love to see him again... he already had an idea/plan. -- He said we could go to the botanical gardens and/or a museum. I loved the idea. i was so excited.
While we were watching them, we were chatting, commenting on the different fireworks, and then Steve asked me “what is your favorite holiday” .. I thought for a second, and I said something along the lines of “I like alot of them, I really enjoy the fireworks at 4th of July, but I do enjoy thanksgiving, partially because my Birthday is around thanksgiving.” -- his facial expression was priceless, thats when we found out we were about a year and five days apart. :) Afer the fireworks we walked back, then he told me that hed like to see me again.. (for a 4th date) -- I said that I’d love to see him again... he already had an idea/plan. -- He said we could go to the botanical gardens and/or a museum. I loved the idea. i was so excited.
Friday, July 1, 2011
The Second Date
The following weekend was 4th of July weekend, I was going to be going out to the lake with my family, over the course of that week after we met up at starbucks, we talked just a little bit, and then he asked me if I'd like to do anything that coming friday, before I go out to the lake on that next day - so after talking, we decided to do something that was on both our lists... Rangers Baseball game... So he got tickets for Friday (July 1st 2011)
So we get to the stadium, park, and then i try to open my car door, to get out, i thought it was locked, i couldnt get out, Steve apparently thought I was crazy for not being able to open a car door... so he reached over, and couldnt get it, he locked and unlocked the door nothing... so then he got out and ran around and opened the door and it worked... (for the next few weeks he had to open the door for me..haha) So we get to the stadium, and we get the tickets -- then we go find our seats.. we had fantastic seats, we were on the first level - along the first baseline, some really great seats:) it was fantastic. we talked, and chatted during the game. -- after the game There were fireworks, it was really really nice. (plus i love fireworks.) afterwards walked back to the car, went back to starbucks to go get my car, i was sad to see the evening over. he said to me as I was leaving, “i’d really like to hang out with you again.” - I told him I would like to as well.
Our Second Date at the Rangers Game Album
Monday, June 20, 2011
How it all Began..
[Written by Taylor]
It all began on about June 20th, 2011 - When Steve and I were matched on eHarmony. It all began with a virtual “wink.” we talked over email for a few days, then one day he asked me if I would like to meet up and have a cup of coffee that next weekend. 2pm on June 26th, 2011.
We met at a Starbucks on that hot June Sunday afternoon. I didnt see him but I went ahead and ordered my coffee, looked around, there wasn't any 2 seats inside available, so i grabbed a seat outside he wasn't exactly sure where this Starbucks was - (and he was the one that chose it out...) so i instructed him how to get there, (he was in the right spot, just different part of the shopping center) Here he came... so i sat down, he went in to grab a coffee..he came out, and we talked for 5 hours, i looked at my watch and it was 7pm. We both couldnt believe that we had been talking for so long. I really enjoyed talking to him, and as we were standing up to leave, i was just hoping that he too enjoyed it..... Sure enough, just as if he were reading my mind, he said that he would like to see me again, I agreed, and told him that I would like to see him again as well. i knew i wanted to spend more time with him and get to know him better.
It all began on about June 20th, 2011 - When Steve and I were matched on eHarmony. It all began with a virtual “wink.” we talked over email for a few days, then one day he asked me if I would like to meet up and have a cup of coffee that next weekend. 2pm on June 26th, 2011.
We met at a Starbucks on that hot June Sunday afternoon. I didnt see him but I went ahead and ordered my coffee, looked around, there wasn't any 2 seats inside available, so i grabbed a seat outside he wasn't exactly sure where this Starbucks was - (and he was the one that chose it out...) so i instructed him how to get there, (he was in the right spot, just different part of the shopping center) Here he came... so i sat down, he went in to grab a coffee..he came out, and we talked for 5 hours, i looked at my watch and it was 7pm. We both couldnt believe that we had been talking for so long. I really enjoyed talking to him, and as we were standing up to leave, i was just hoping that he too enjoyed it..... Sure enough, just as if he were reading my mind, he said that he would like to see me again, I agreed, and told him that I would like to see him again as well. i knew i wanted to spend more time with him and get to know him better.
Arlington, TX 76011, USA
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